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K. Van Kramer

Website of Science Fiction Author, 

And the Phobos Trilogy

The Phobos Series


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Contact me



No need to ask permission to send me an email. If you’re dying to hear back from me, you can increase the likelihood I’ll write back if you do. I don’t know if I’ll be interested in your message until I see it. I love getting emails, but please note I’m not a book reviewer or creative writing professor. I only read and share things that genuinely interest me.


The email address link below is always up-to-date. There is no top-secret special email address that I will not divulge if you want to email me. I check my emails every week. Due to the number of emails I receive, (mostly work-related) I can barely even read them all, let alone get back to everybody. Forgive me in advance:





How Do I Get Published? did you get published?







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New Writers! I've finished my story. Now what? You wouldn't believe how many people ask me that, even as a fairly new author myself. But if you’re looking for advice, all the advice I have to give you about getting started and getting your work out there is in a book called The Writers Market.

Do not put this purchase off. It is the holy bible of writers. Let it sit on your shelf for a while. Dust it off and open it up after you're finished with your last chapter becuase

inside this book is a collection of every publisher's name in the country, and what they want. It could be anything from short stories, to novels. From romance, to horror, fantasy or science fiction.



It's not as easy as sliding your manuscript in a folder with a return address. You will have to learn to write a query letter, and send off your first three chapters, by email or USPS - but the The Writers Market will give you this information too, as well as the name of the person to send it to. 


And what is the author's percent? How does their contract work? Should I hire a an editor? A literary agent?  Discover 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and thier writing, how to develop an author brand, and overlooked funds for writers. 


Read my books, check out my interviews, watch videos, Google me, etc.

A good place to start your research is my About page — there’s a ton of information there.


Frequently Asked Questions

What about the editing? You'll need one. Find a professional freelancer, a friend or sometimes the publisher will offer that service. 

What about a literary agent? I did not use one. But a lot of authors do get literary agents. (They will cost you though.)

How did you finish your story? I finished it when I began it., I write out the ending and stick to that ending. Lots of things can change in the middle but don't go swimming out to sea in deep waters. I would suggest a light outline. 

I have an idea for a book, do you think it would be worth writing? yes of course! I encourage everyone to try thier hand at a book or two. 


How long did it take you to finish a book? 
I average about two years per book. I also work full time - so that might have something to do with it. Everyone works at their own pace, and some people write out novels a lot longer than mine.  

How did you come up with the idea? 
I have a lot of ideas. If I wrote out everyone idea I had, I'd be really happy about that. But ideas to me are a natural part of thinking. I also like the brainstorm with my sister, and brother. And my mother — she also helped me edit each book I wrote. 

Were you afraid of rejection?
Actually I was more afraid of not having anything to reject. Stories can always be improved for acceptance. It's never easy to be rejected. My advice is to place any rejection letters (if you get one) in a file. Then send another query the next publisher. 

What about copy infringement? 
Once you write your book, it's yours. If you're really worried about it, send a copy to yourself and don't open it. 

About The Author

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K. Van Kramer is a writer who draws. She's best known for the Phobos Series and other fiction stories. Read more...

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